Translation: Aadmi Majboor Hai

Translation of: Aadmi Majboor Hai, Taqdeer Par Ilzam Hai
Singer: Mohammad Rafi | Raka (1965)
Lyrics: Asad Bhopali | Music Composer: N. Datta

Man is helpless; he blames fate
It’s not for me to say; all this is your doing

My honor is in your hands; you know the state of hearts
Where the decision of fate is made, where the decision of fate is made
Your path is that path, your path is that path.

What can I say about your decision? Life is dear to me
If sorrow comes from your door, it is dearer to me than any joy
I have faith in my own heart; what do I know of others?
My honor is in your hands; you know the state of hearts.

Those who walk the path of loyalty fear nothing
In some form, there will be a dawn after the night of waiting
Protect the dignity of my trust; you are responsible for your name
My honor is in your hands; you know the state of hearts.)

This is the demand of my love: that I nurture someone else’s love
The victory of my life is that I lose my own life
If I am of no use to anyone, that is my greatest fault
My honor is in your hands; you know the state of hearts
Where the decision of fate is made, where the decision of fate is made
Your path is that path, your path is that path.

Note: Hindi readers should refer to the original lyrics, not the translated version.

The song “Aadmi Majboor Hai, Taqdeer Par Ilzaam Hai” is a profound reflection on human helplessness, faith, and surrender to a higher power.

The lyrics convey a deep sense of resignation and trust, as the singer accepts their fate and places their honor and destiny in the hands of the divine. The recurring refrain emphasizes the singer’s unwavering faith in the higher power’s understanding and control over their life. The song also touches on themes of loyalty, self-sacrifice, and the search for meaning in life’s struggles, making it a timeless and emotionally resonant piece.

For deeper insight into the song, review the detailed analysis of the lyrics, composition and singing.

~ Balwant S. Wadhwani

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