Translation: Chhun Chhun Karti Aayi Chidiya

Translation of Song: Chhun Chhun Karti Aayi Chidiya
Singer: Mohammed Rafi | Movie: Ab Dilli Door Nahin (1967)
Lyricist: Shailendra | Composer: Dattaram Wadkar

The little bird came chirping, bringing a grain of lentils.
The peacock also came, the crow came, the mouse came, and the monkey came.
Cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep, The little bird came chirping
Bringing a grain of lentils, the peacock also came, the crow came.
The mouse came, the monkey came, the little bird came chirping.

When the little bird queen is hungry, she will cook moong dal.
Oh, when the little bird queen is hungry, she will cook moong dal
The crow will bring bread and feed you, the peacock also came, the crow came.
The mouse came, the monkey came (Cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep.
The little bird came chirping.

While walking, we will meet a bear, we will say, dance Kalu
Munna will play the drum, the bear will dance, the peacock also came, the crow came.
The mouse came, the monkey came (Cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep).
The little bird came chirping.

Let’s go as a wedding party together – 2), I will be Munna’s elephant,
I will go straight to Delhi, and bring your bride.
The peacock also came, the crow came, the mouse came, the monkey came.
(Cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep)
The little bird came chirping, bringing a grain of lentils.
The peacock also came, the crow came, the mouse came, the monkey came.
(Cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep), the little bird came chirping.

Note: Hindi readers should refer to the original lyrics, not the translated version.

In conclusion, this children’s song is filled with imagination and joy. It creates a vivid picture of animals coming together for a playful gathering. The repetitive phrases and simple language make it easy for children to learn and enjoy. The song also promotes a sense of community and friendship among different creatures.

For deeper insight into the song, review the detailed analysis of the lyrics, composition and singing.

~ Balwant S. Wadhwani

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